
Hey peeps! :D
I'll be writing a story based on a teenage girl, Lynee, who leads a normal typical life. However, an unexpected visitor arrives, sending a direct shock to her family!
Who was it?
Read on... (:
(Read it from bottom to top)

Hello everyone! Daideiru here! My pen name is pronouced this way; Die-De-Ru. Um, well, this story is created based on inspiration alone. And maybe I'll be getting some resources from whatnots and wherever, so I'll update whenever it happens. ^^ So.. this are some of the characters that are played in this story. Enjoy!

please don't go away
Thursday, June 3, 2010

As Lord Cirque waved a hand at me, my surroundings began to ripple and change. Soon, I was staring up at a run-down building, before someone scared the shit out of me by tapping on my shoulder.

Looking up, I found a bearded man grinning down at me sheepishly, saying, "I know it's old, but it was the best I could get in this old country. Shall we get doing then?"
He then gestured to my fellow travellers, dragging their lauggages into the old mansion. I looked down and felt a lump in my throat as I found that I had two huge lauggages to manage. Struggling them with my hands, rough, big ones reached out and took one from me. I then thanked the tour guide(I supposed), and we walked off with the others.

Once I stepped into the mansion, my mouth flopped open and close like a god-damned fish, gawking like an idiot. Although it looked old and worn-out outside, it was freaking grand-looking on the inside. There was a crystal lighting at the ceiling, and damn! was it gorgeous. Then there was this magnificent spiral stairway that was just... AWESOME. And boy did it make the old-looking mansion feel young again. I still remembered I complained that spiral staircases made my head spin even by looking at them, but now... it totally changes my impressions of-

Then its huge front doors slammed shut behind us, making us jump in surprise, and breaking my internal bubble. I looked back, and spotted Lord Cirque's horrendous face on the doors.
Let's see if you are able to survive this challenge. If you can, your little friend-to-be here survives as well.
He giggled and lifted up Harchirou by the skin at the back of his neck, who was struggling against Lord Cirque, snapping his fangs at him. I started to shout at him, but a shrill scream made me stop short.
Spinning around, I saw a menacing dog at the flight of the stairs, growling at a lady who had dropped her belongings in shock(seemed like she was climbing up the stairs to the rooms or something), standing in front of the dog, frozen in pure fear.

Everyone held their breath. A man standing closest to the lady leaned in and whispered something to her, barely moving his equally trembling lips. Together, they slowly backed away from the growling dog.

Then it launched at her.

"Victoria!" The man cried.

She screamed in shock as the dog knocked her down, and her shrill scream became a gurgle of blood as the dog bit hard into her fragile neck. She struggled weakly against the dog, constantly coughing out lungful of blood, eyes wide in horror as she stared hopefully at the frozen-shocked crowd for help. The same man stepped out and tried to yank the dog away, his eyes wet(her husband, maybe), but it snapped at him, making him stagger back, preventing anyone from getting near its prey and itself.

Everyone watched helplessly as the woman choke for the last time and slumped, her blonde hair drenched red with crimson blood. Satisfied with its meal, the beast scans around the crowd, preparing its next victim as if it hadn't had enough. At once, everyone took a cautious step back. It then jumps to another. But his quick-witted man quickly grabbed his suitcase and whacked it hard against the incoming fans, causing a sickening crunch. It dropped to the floor whimpering, and the man battered it with his suitcase without any hesitation. The bloodied dog twitched once, then went limp, smashed. I wondered if anyone noticed, but its blood was a sickening color of yellow, just like the one on Lord Cirque's umbrella.

A lady(probably a doctor) rushed up to the wounded woman, gently lifting her wrist and checked her pulse. Her head snapped up, eyes a glimmer of hope.
"She still has a faint pulse! Come help me!"
Instantly, the man and I rushed to her side. She opened her lauggage and took out a band-aid kit, putting on a pair of surgical gloves, she took out a towel and carefull pressed it against the unconscious woman's wound.


I soon found out that the lady who tended to the wounded woman was Linda, a doctor. The wounded lady was Victoria, and the guy who shouted her name was really her husband, Anthony. The brave gentleman who literally smashed the crazed dog to death, was Caden. The rest were Carol and Laura( mother and daughter), Terri and Darren(couples), a totally cute guy(Rene would totally melt), Cal, and the tour guide, Jared.

"This is bad. I've never seen anything like this." Linda's voice trembled.
"What's wrong?"
She looked up to me, "Victoria's skin is hot to touch, she has difficulty breathing... And her blood is turning yellow." Turning a little bit of the towel over, to show yellow substance replacing the red ones.
Her eyes full of confusion, she fumbled through the contents of her band-aid kit.
"I'm going to prepare a sleeping medicine. We need it in case. If she wakes up, she might not be the same person anymore..." She then brought out a stringe, inserting it into a bottle of liquid. All the while, Anthony stayed silent.

A slight movement.

My head snapped to Victoria, she was stirring, moaning in the process.
"Linda, hurry!" I squeaked.
She cursed and inserted the stringe into the unwounded part of Victoria's neck. She moaned, and went unconscious again. We heaved a sigh of relief.
"But it won't hold her for long. It'd buy us some time to leave her in a room, locked and far from us- all of us." She told me sternly.
"We have to dump her and leave her to die?" I gasped, noting that Anthony flinched at her blunt words.
"She won't die just yet, she'll turn into a monster." She said, and I cringed at the thought.

A giggle. I lifted my head to the direction of the sound, half expecting Lord Cirque to be there. But instead, there was a figure at the top of the stairs, a girl. She was grinning, thr rest of her face hidden by the darkness. I could see that she was holding a toy dog in one hand, stained yellow. She wore a baby-pink gown that had a slight tint of red at the hem. She also had thick, jet-black hair that fell all the way to her thigh. I didn't see her with the group though, did she wander off before I had saw the group? I started to call out to her, to tell her it's dangerous, but Linda cut me off.
I looked back, "Huh?"
"What were you looking at?" She asked, concern filling her eyes.
"Oh, nothing. We better hurry though, we'll never know when she'll wake up." I changed the subject, and she nodded. We stood up, and I glanced back.

She disappeared.
9:45 PM

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I was startled awake by a thunderous bang near my ear. I sat up groggily and let my eyes adjust to the darkness. Then I heard a soft, high-pitched, giggle behind me.

Spinning around in alarm, I squinted into the dark, and saw a figure bending over, as if picking something up.

"Oh my," the figure giggled again. "My apologies, I must have woken you up, aye?"
And with a click of its fingers, something lit up, causing me to shield my eyes from the sudden brightness.

As I squinted into the light, I brought my hand up to my face, my eyes slowly adjusting. Then I froze. Infront of me, was someone who seemed like a freaking clown. Or a something.

Well, whatever-it-was had a large joker hat on its head, and his left hand was holding some sort of umbrella, red and yellow. However, the red looked strangely familiar, though I can't recall anything. Also, it had a huge mouth which stretched into a grin longer than his rounded face. The skin on its enclosed right eye sagged inwards, and I assumed it was missing an eye. My gaze moved from his eye, to his big red clown-like nose, to a black star on its left chest, and to the hand that was holding a candle. Only that it was not exactly a hand, it had been cut off at the wrist, and onward it was a metal bone structure of a hand, with razor sharp fingertips. It also had terribly tiny feet, I wondered how it was able to even stand.

Having had the information digested into my mind, that thing was actually pretty freaked out scary. I stood up and scampered several metres away from it.
"Who-" I started to ask but he stopped with a hand.
Grinning, he stepped forward and toward me. I stiffened, sensing the word danger in every direction. He then stretched out his hands,
"This, is Apocalypse. Where hell breaks lose and demons roam. And I," gesturing to itself. "Am Lord Cirque, the Joker."
He giggled afterward, as if he had made a great joke. After recovering, he extended his right hand and reached toward me.. I stepped back, cringing at the same foul smell Arther emitted.

Then I hit something. Scooting to the side, I examined the object. It was a cage, and something in it stirred. Lord Cirque giggled as I held my breath. The door of the cage creaked open slowly, and a paw stepped out.

Wait, what? Paw?

The figure stretched like a cat after its nap, and stepped into the florescene light. I braced myself for something equally horrid, and gasped as I took in what I saw.

It had fur the colour of autumn leaves, clear, olive-green eyes, four fluffy ears, and a fox-like tail. This freaky cute, cat-like thing totally caught me off guard. I bent over and cautiously put my hand out. It sniffed, then snuggled its snout in my palm.
"Awww..." I cooed.
"You smell nice." It spoke.

...It spoke. This freakishly cute and creepy whatnot just spoke. But since I've seen enough weird, this shouldn't be much of a surprise to me.

"What are you?" Words left my mouth before I knew it.
"I'm Hachirou, an Eclairina." It said.
"An Eclair-rina." It emphazied. "I was once human, but..."
"Well, someone turned me into this creature when I killed his beloved pet," He spat, glaring at Lord Cirque.
"I couldn't help it, could I?" Lord Cirque giggled. "He killed something that could entertain me, make me happy. Ah, my beloved Hector."
Hachirou made a noise I supposed was snorting, then Lord Cirque's eye gleamed with darkness.
"This is indeed a world of despair, sadness, sorrow, jealously, all the unwonderful things you can imagine. It gets lonely 'ere."

"If you don't mind me asking, why did Hachirou kill your... pet?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"Well..." Lord Cirque sighed. "I was taking a trip to Osaka with Hector. Then we sensed grief, oh the deliciousness. We then headed off to that direction, and found out that dear Hachirou had lost his dearesr father. Everuone crying... grieving... mourning..." Hachirou growled menacingly at it as Lord Cirque gave him a pitiful smile.
"We saw lil' Hachirou heading off alone to grief for the lost. So very pitiful, aye? But in rage he screamed at dear Hector, I don't know how he did it, for demons are only able to be killed by Magic. Then Hector turned into ashes. Oh dear." Lord Cirque almost seemed sad, though his humoungous grin spoiled the whole image.

"So you're just toying with him? Like he's some kind of entertainer?" I asked, incredulously, gesturing at Hachirou.
"Well, you could suppose so, I'll throw him into the Black Ring(like those wrestling rings, except that it's larger and black.) and watch him run for his life as demons lunge at him hungrily." He said bluntly, then giggled.
"But that's so cruel!" I argued.
"I told you, dear Lynee, this is a place of pain-"

"No, you didn't tell me that."

"Oh yes, forgive me," he giggled. "So what, you want to act all hero-hero and save little Hachirou here, hmm?"

"You could say that, if I could get the heck out of here. I mean, he has a family out there! Day by day, waiting for his return, the loneliness..." I shook my head as Hachirou rubbed against my leg, whining.

"Aahhh, so deliciously dreadful, wonderful pain." Lord Cirque said, licking his lips.

"Monster." I sneered.

"Demon Master." He corrected as I stifled an eye roll.

"Well, you could save him, but I have to tell you it's very dangerous, and you might die in the process. And I don't want to lose you yet too, not until I figure out what's so special about yo-"

"Don't, Lynee! I've spent many years here, you can say I'm already immune to all these," Hachirou fought back, biting on my jeans, as if holding me back.

"Shut up, I'm here trying to get your ass out of here, and you ain't arguing back till I tell you so." I shot back, looking at him hard into the eye.

"My my, what a brave young lady, I must say." Lord Cirque giggled. "Very well..."
10:00 PM

Screams. A clatter in the kitchen.

I sprung up from my chair and dashed to the kitchen, where my mother was preparing dinner. Well, before she screamed anyway.

My father was backing away from the kitchen door, eyes widened in horror as it fixed on whatever that was happening inside. As I rushed up beside him, my eyes, too, grew wide. Right infront of us was a creature unlike anything I've seen before- red, gleaming eyes, long white flowing hair, large tenticles as its feet, floating in mid-air, with a face that seemed to have never smiled. Then I noticed Mum. She was clutching onto the kitchen counter, and had dropped her knife on the floor. Her widened eyes looked like they were scarily gonna pop out of her ashen face anytime soon. And as the monster took notice of me, it pointed a skinny, pale blue finger at me, its eyes gleaming a deadly scarlet.

"Yoouuuuu..." It breathed ghostly, with a voice a fusion of deep low and pitch high, instantly giving a slight throb to the head. And yeah, I was freaked out alright. But as freaked as I was, I decided to put up a brave front, ignoring the stupid fact that my legs were cowardly shaking, screaming at me to burst out of the house screaming my head off. My fragile mother was already in enough shock.

Rubbing at my temples, I glared at the monster.
"What do you want?" I asked sharply, not giving my voice a chance to shake.

"Peace, my child..." He stretched his arms out in a slow motion. "I mean no harm."

"And how do we guarantee that?" I demanded, suspicion creeping into my voice.

"I would have attacked this lady here if I was set to kill," it said, gesturing ever so slowly to my trembling mother.

I hesitated. Should I trust its words? It's a monster for Heaven's sake! Drawing a deep breath, and grimacing as I noticed the foul smell it emitted, I asked,
"Who are you, and what do you want from us?"

"I am Arther, summoned here by my Master, ordered to take you to our realm." He then explained.

"Why me? I'm just an ordinary teenager leading a typical life," I said bluntly.
"What? It's not like I have supernatural powers to turn rabbits into rats," as he raised a naked eyebrow.

It chuckled, in a way that made the hair at the back of my neck stand. But before it could respond, my father broke in frantically.
"For Heaven's sake just call the police! I cannot imagine talking to this..." He gestures to Arther frantically. "...demon when it can just spring at us any bloody moment now!"
And with that, he practically flew to the phone.

"And you think they'll actually believe you?" It said calmly, as my father came to a dead stop just inches away from the phone.

It was true, I wouldn't believe it either if someone calls in, babbling some crap like a demon broke into a house. People'll think, Is this guy crazy or what?

"So there, shall we get straight to the point?" It smiles, rather sadly.

"What point?" My father demanded, his eyes saying something like; Shit, is that thing gonna kill us?

It chuckled again, "Oh dear, have you not been listening? I am here to take this child to my realm, where real demons roam." My father's eyes widened in horror, and as freaked as he was, he had to protect his only daughter. Standing infront of me, I kinda feel touched.

"Over my dead body!" He spat. Even Mum recovered and stepped beside him, although I could see that she was still trembling awfully.

"Very well..." It said, waving a hand wearily at us, and I found my parents collasping to the floor. That was when panic and fury kicked in.

"What did you-?!" I started angrily, but he cut me off.

"Peace, my dear Lynee. They are merely asleep." I turned my gaze to my parents, and found that its words were true, I could still see their chest lifting and falling.

Relieved, I returned my attention to the demon before me.
"Right, so now you have to face me!" I shouted, though I wasn't very sure how.

Chuckling, it began to ripple and liquify. I stumbled back as it formed into a pale blue liquid, reaching for me, and engulfing me into total darkness.

As I began to lose consciousness, I suddenly took notice of something.
How the hell did it know my name?
8:00 AM

The name's Lynee. Something like Lychee, except that the 'chee' is replaced by a 'nee', so it comes out like 'Lynee'. You would pretty much know the 'Ly' part, so yeah. If you don't get it, give it up, I've always sucked at explanations. Yes, my name's weird, so live with it suckers! That's what you get for having parents who named their pet dog Lychee.

Okay, so I lied about the 'Lychee' name, my dog's real name' Max. Simple, cute, perfect. Unlike mine. I have no idea why I was practically called Lychee. Did my parents eat too much of it while I was still in my mother's uterus? I mean, where's the damn link? Which is, you know, just typical.

Most people mispronouce my name, turning it into something like 'Line'. Which is annoying indeed. But my besties call me Lyn(Lean) for short, which I don't mind. In fact, it's much better than my actual one, so I left it to that.

So, if you've guessed, I live a typical teenage life, those who deliciously fantasize about hot bastards every now and then. Ah, come to think of it, lemme introduce to you my sweet lil' bitches of mine, Reni, Nicole, and Alexandra.

Reni(Ray-knee), also know as Rene(Rean), is my childhood friend, who had been with me through thick and thin. She was always there for me when I most needed her, but can also be a pain in the ass. Since we are room mates, I always had to practically kick her ass out of her oh-so-grand water bed(Yes, she's filthy rich), and drag her into the toilet to splash some daylights into her face. Sometimes I even play some pranks to wake her up, but that little dirty secret is for me to keep.

Now to Nicole. She was the one who came up with our nicknames; Lyn(me), Rene(Reni), Cole(herself) and Alex(Alexandra). She has a heck of fashion sense, which was what made the guys drool, and our clique popular. We have alot fashion in common too, which was probably what brought us together.

Well, next is Alex. She's energetic, awesome and a love expert like nothing in the world! She could fix any kind of probematic love situations, though she herself doesn't have a guy. She absolutely adores romance novels, her eyes turning all goo-goo like whenever a love scene pops up. You can almost see the sparkles around her too. But among all, she's a real loyal friend.


Coming back to reality, it's a Friday. Gathering at our usual spot, a deserted stairway in our school, we were discussing about our outing for the next day.

"We so have to check out Glamour! They have the most georgous skirts!" Cole gushed.

"Oh! Not forgetting the bookstore! I so have to buy Sweet Seduction's third series!" Alex sighed dreamily.

"And the beach! We so have to check out those over-the-meter georgousness guys, I swear I can melt!" Rene said, fanning herself at the thought.

Babbling at the same time, I thought my head could explode.

"Guys, chill! My head's spinning with all your ideas!" I complained, pressing my palms to my ears.

Giving me only a look, they continued with their excited babble. I shook my head at them and looked around, suddenly taking note of something unusual. The sky almost seemed... well, pink! Since it was the morning, it shouldn't have been pink. Blinking, the sky returned to its usual baby blue. Sighing, I thought, their babble must have gone into me.


Dusk falls upon us, and I noticed that the sky as redder than I saw it this morning. But I left it aside, thinking it wasn't important. I switched on my PC and it blinked to life. While I waited for my computer to boot up, Max padded into my room and snuggled against my legs. I ruffled his head, "Did you notice the sky's color today, Max?" I asked absent-mindedly.

Suddenly, Max let out a small yelp, and dashed off to the direction of his cage. I stared after him wide-eyed, surprised at his sudden movement. The food call I guess, I thought as I returned my attention to the computer.
7:14 AM



The Author:
Daideiru's Official Page Daideru's Blessed Curse Daideru's Sinister Heart
Layout by 16thday
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